Nutritional Counseling 

Nutritional Counseling in Oklahoma

How Does Counseling Work?

Nutritional counseling is a personalized and evidence-based approach that empowers you to make informed and healthful food choices to meet your specific dietary needs and goals. Our certified nutritionists at Optimum Primary Care work closely with you to assess your current dietary habits, medical history, and lifestyle factors. Based on this information, our registered dietitians in Oklahoma create a customized nutrition plan tailored to your individual needs and preferences.

What Health Concerns Does the Nutrition Counselor Address?

It can address a wide range of health concerns and conditions, including:

  • Weight management and weight loss
  • Diabetes and blood sugar regulation
  • Heart health and cholesterol management
  • Digestive issues and gastrointestinal disorders
  • Food allergies and intolerances
  • Nutritional support during pregnancy or postpartum
  • Sports nutrition for athletes and active individuals
  • Management of chronic conditions like hypertension and autoimmune diseases

The Procedure We Follow to Help You Make Healthy Choices

Initial Assessment: We conduct a thorough evaluation of your medical history, dietary habits, lifestyle, and any specific health concerns or goals you may have.

Personalized Nutrition Plan: Based on the assessment, we develop a personalized nutrition plan that aligns with your health objectives and fits seamlessly into your daily routine.

Educational Guidance: Our nutritionists provide educational guidance to help you understand the importance of balanced nutrition, portion control, and healthy eating habits.

Behavioral Change: We assist you in making sustainable changes to your dietary behaviors, supporting you in overcoming challenges and building healthier habits.

Monitoring and Support: Throughout your journey, we offer regular follow-ups and support to track your progress, make adjustments to the plan if needed, and celebrate your achievements.

The Benefits of Nutrition Counseling by a Registered Dietitian

Nutritional counseling is an ongoing process that helps you omit unhealthy eating habits and improve your overall health. It offers numerous benefits that extend beyond achieving your health goals:

  • Increased energy levels and improved overall well-being
  • Enhanced understanding of nutritional requirements
  • Better management of chronic health conditions
  • Weight loss and weight maintenance
  • Reduced risk of diet-related diseases
  • Improved digestion and gut health
  • Support during life transitions (e.g., pregnancy, aging)

Tailored Meal Planning for Your Good Nutrition in Oklahoma

At Optimum Primary Care, we understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to nutrition. That’s why our team of expert nutritionists offers tailored meal planning to meet your unique dietary requirements and preferences. Whether you have specific health concerns, cultural considerations, or dietary restrictions, we create customized plans that align with your goals and lifestyle. Our personalized approach lets you enjoy delicious and nourishing meals supporting your optimal health and well-being journey. Let us design a plan that’s as unique as you are!

Nutrition for Active Lifestyles: Fueling Your Performance

We recognize the significant impact of nutrition on athletic performance and active lifestyles. Whether you’re an elite athlete or a fitness enthusiast, our sports nutrition experts are here to optimize your diet and fuel your performance. We tailor nutrition plans to match your training regimen, fitness goals, and recovery needs, ensuring you have the energy and nutrients to excel in your chosen sport or activity. With our specialized guidance, you can enhance your endurance, strength, and overall athletic performance, taking your fitness journey to new heights. Embrace the power of nutrition and unleash your full potential with our sports nutrition services. Let’s embark on a journey of peak performance together!

How We Can Help You Have a Better Tomorrow

Our team of dedicated nutritionists is passionate about helping you take charge of your health and transform your life through proper nutrition. With our personalized guidance and ongoing support, you can achieve lasting improvements in your health, vitality, and overall quality of life. Let us be your partners in building a healthier tomorrow.


It is a collaborative process between a certified nutritionist and an individual seeking guidance in making healthier food choices, managing health conditions, and achieving specific nutritional goals.

Nutritional therapy involves using food and nutrients to support the body's natural healing processes and address specific health concerns or imbalances. It focuses on using nutrition as a therapeutic tool to promote overall wellness.

While both terms are related to using nutrition for health improvement, counseling typically involves providing guidance and support for making dietary changes, while nutritional therapy may involve more targeted interventions to address specific health conditions using specialized dietary protocols.

Our Services

Thyroid Disease Management

Thyroid Disease Management

The thyroid gland in the neck plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism and various bodily functions. Thyroid diseases, such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), can disrupt hormone balance and lead to a range of health issues. Optimum Primary Care offers comprehensive thyroid diagnosis and management to support in Oklahoma our patients in maintaining optimal thyroid function and overall well-being.

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Take Charge of Your Health Today: Schedule a Consultation with Us!

Michelle P
Michelle P
Since I moved from NYC, I've had a difficult time finding a good doctor in OKC. Dr. Chaudry and her staff have been so patient, trustworthy and knowledgeable to help me with all of my needs! They take the time to care for you. I'm so grateful I found their office.
Travis Morgan
Travis Morgan
My wife and I recently relocated to Edmond and couldn’t be happier with our new family physician Dr. Chaudry. It’s rare to find a family physician that is so patient, kind, and professional. We got lucky! Thank you Dr. Chaudry and everyone at Optimum Primary Care!
Sally Morgan
Sally Morgan
I took a family of seven here and was so pleased with the care they received. The staff was amazing! So nice and caring and very helpful with referrals, prescriptions etc. Dr Chaudry was patient and caring and extremely knowledgeable. I highly recommend this practice to everyone!
John Danny
John Danny
Sarah is super helpful and the Dr. is awesome. Worth the visit!
gabby Gamez
gabby Gamez
I felt very welcomed and the kind woman at the front desk offered free coffee and lots of information. Waiting area was clean and comfortable. Will definitely be coming back!
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Opening Hours
Monday - Saturday

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Disclaimer: Book Only For Routine Appointments.This is not the final appointment, one of our team members will reach out to you within 24 hours.